Monday, April 22, 2013

Clinique Even Better Foundation Review


I picked up this foundation on a whim a good few months ago, used it for a while, then (being the fickle beauty blogger that I am) ditched it for something new.  I recently found it in my stash and after using it the last few days, decided it was worthy of a review!

Now I think this is the first ever foundation review on my blog!  Shocking really when foundation is such a major player in the beauty world.  It's amazing how a flawless base can totally transform less-than-perfect skin, inducing that 'angels singing' moment when you look in the mirror.  Or...perhaps that's just me?!

This foundation first came onto my radar when I heard Tanya Burr talking about it and using it in some of her tutorials.  She has such envy-inducing imperfection-free skin to start with, but it looked amazing on her!

The sales assistant matched me to shade 05 neutral.  Normally I would choose a foundation with yellow/peach undertones but she persuaded me that this particular shade was a perfect match.  While I don't disagree that it is a near-perfect match for my face, it seems a tad too pink/neutral toned and doesn't match the colour of my neck!  I'm kicking myself for not being more assertive and insisting on the more yellow based shade!  However it's not majorly noticeable, and I can make it work by using some powder and bronzer to balance it out.

Now, how about letting the pictures do the talking?  It kinda irks me when beauty bloggers do foundation reviews and they show it blended on the back of their hands.  Unfortunately that gives no indication whatsoever to the foundations ability to hide imperfections/mattify/give a glow or whatever claims it boasts.  So I've taken 3 pictures; one bare-faced (eeeeek!), one with the foundation applied and one with powder, bronzer and blush applied.
Au naturale - bare face.  Oh, and please 'scuse the hair!!
Foundation applied, using the Real Techniques Stippling Brush
Ta-dah!  The finished face

While it dispenses as quite a fluid-ey consistency, the coverage is remarkably good whilst maintaining a natural, skin-like quality.  Another thing I have noticed it how well it wears throughout the day.  Having oily skin, I am used to becoming shiny throughout the day, however with this foundation I don't need to powder!  It really is remarkable, especially since it isn't marketed as being oil suppressing.

Overall, I really like this foundation.  It is my first foray into Clinique foundations, but I am now really keen to see what else they have to offer.

Clinique Even Better Foundation retails for £23.00 from the Clinique website.

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